If you’re like me, you might sometimes realize only shortly before the start of a cocktail party that you are missing some critical ingredients. You don’t have time to run out and stock up; you need a liquor delivery service. But where do you find one?

Well, there’s an app for that – actually, at least three of them. Drizly, Minibar, and Delivery.com all offer liquor delivery services in D.C. and many other cities. With New Year’s Eve coming up, I thought others might benefit from a comparative test drive. (If you’re going out rather than hosting and still need plans, check out our recent round-up post covering cocktail-themed events.)
So I tried out all three services. They are built on the same concept. Each service has a network of local liquor stores (some of which participate in multiple networks). When you place your order with the desired store, they dispatch an employee to your delivery address. On arrival, a person of age must sign to take delivery.
I was pleased with the service provided by all three. But there are important differences – read on to see which best suits your needs. I also offer referral codes that will provide you and me with discounts on our next orders.
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